Radio Seabreeze, 1395 kHz

It is surprising how many new low powered AM stations operate nowadays in Europe. The AM band is nowadays a lot more interesting than in 1980s when it was full of European broadcasters shouting with 1 MW power. In those years, it was much more difficult than nowadays to hear these local stations. This is… Continue reading Radio Seabreeze, 1395 kHz

Radio Northern Star, Bergen, 1611

Today’s last recording from Bergen. Radio Northern Star – The C – with non stop country music and IDs between songs. Nice reception for such a small station!

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Radio 208, Copenhagen

A long time ago, I listened to Radio Luxemburg on 208 metres, that is 1440 kHz. Today, I enjoyed listening to R 208 from Copenhagen on the very same frequency. Non stop music with occasional station identifications.