MFR 2, 1107 kHz

A couple of years ago, I spent most of my summer vacation in rainy Scotland. Aberdeen, Cairngorm, Seil and Inverness. This morning, I returned to Inverness on 1107 kHz when listening to MFR 2 with a very good signal.

Channel 292, 6070 kHz

Today, Channel 292 on 6070 kHz had a big signal and played music from my younger years…. “pump up the jam, pump it up”… I went to their website and noticed today is the 10th anniversary of their shortwave broadcasts. I just love that there are companies and people keeping the shortwaves alive!

COPE Valencia, 1296 kHz

Spain is yet another interesting country for DX – one just has to know the times when one can expect to hear local station identifications. Otherwise, one just spends the morning and evening by listening network programming. One of the strongest Spanish signals is provided by COPE Valencia on 1296 kHz. This time, I recorded… Continue reading COPE Valencia, 1296 kHz

Categorized as Europe Tagged

Gold, London, 1548 kHz

By today’s standards, Radio Gold is a high power AM station. As such it can be heard in Finland almost daily (I suppose). Unfortunately, it is not the only station on this channel. Just 15 minutes ago, it alternated with the Kuwaiti Radio Sawa transmitting on the same frequency. In any case, I was able… Continue reading Gold, London, 1548 kHz

Radio Maria, Barranquilla, 1580 kHz

Today, I heard several Christian radio stations from Latin American countries. I think this was the second time this winter that I hear Radio Maria, Barranquilla on 1580 kHz. The signal was pretty good even if there was some interference from nearby European channels.

Radio Felicidad, 1470 kHz

In 1980’s , I mostly dreamed about hearing transatlantic radio stations. In this winter, I have heard 10 times more stations from the Americas than in the whole 1980’s. Here in Finland it has been easier for me to hear North American stations than Latin American AM broadcasts. The first Latin American station I identified… Continue reading Radio Felicidad, 1470 kHz

Radio Merlin International, 6305 kHz

What would you expect when scanning from 6200 to 6400 in a Sunday morning? That’s true: some free (a.k.a. pirate) radio stations. Today, the first station I identified was Radio Merlin International with a stable, not too strong signal. As there was no interference, it was very readable and sometimes even enjoyable.

Coast FM, 6280 kHz

A couple of days ago, I heard Coast FM on 6280 with program from Tenerife. Actually, I’m not sure if the shortwave program is transmitted from the Canary Islands or from Central Europe. In any case, a pretty good signal for a short wave station!

Categorized as Europe

KVF, 531 kHz

If I remember correctly, I was never able to catch the Faroe Islands in 1980s when DX listening was my hobby. Or an addiction… Nowadays, it is much easier to hear – with better receivers, better antennas and not as many high power stations around Europe making it more difficult to hear more interesting local… Continue reading KVF, 531 kHz